This is an in-between shield deflector that replaces John Deere part #HXE2638. It mounts on the existing bracket and is not as flimsy as the original rubber belting part. It is made out of high-wear plastic and is stiffer and longer, and redesigned to improve and help eliminate the trash wind-rowing to the right which I call the lawn mower effect. The original equipment wears out in approximately 1000 acres. These have been tested at 1000 acres and show only slight wear.
It also can be added to the far outside left row. This replaces John Deere Part # H227244. This is optional. If you choose this option, you also have to purchase some John Deere parts.
HXE24622 steel shield
HXE24621 plate
4 of 03M7185 bolts M8 x 25
4 of 14M7396 lock nuts M8s
3 T29342 washers
3 19M7790 bolts M12 x 35.
Only $35.
This is an in-row trash deflector that mounts directly behind the chopping knife on existing brackets. It also improves the wind-row lawn mower effect. This is a steel adjustable deflector. It also keeps the head of the bolts from wearing off - which is a problem.
Only $25
Between Row Trash Deflector
for John Deere Chopping Corn Head
In-row Trash Deflector
John Deere Chopping Corn Head